
About this product

The Nut (#90079-30001) is a crucial piece under the Engine-Fuel category in the Carburetor system of a Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to secure and stabilize other parts within the Carburetor, aiding in the precise mixture of air and fuel for optimal engine function. Without this part, misalignment or loosening of components can occur, resulting in inefficient fuel consumption or even engine damage. The Nut (#90079-30001) is subject to wear and tear, and periodic replacement is necessary to maintain proper function. If the Nut (#90079-30001) becomes old or broken, it can cause instability within the Carburetor system, leading to fuel inefficiency, increased emissions, or even total engine breakdown. Using a genuine Toyota Nut (#90079-30001) ensures compatibility with your vehicle, and it's backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Nut (#90079-30001) plays a pivotal role in maintaining engine efficiency and the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90079-30008
Part Number 90079-30001