Brake Cushion

About this product

The Brake Cushion (#44546-42020), a vital Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Tube & Clamp system, plays a crucial role in maintaining efficient braking performance. As the vehicle is in motion, the Brake Cushion (#44546-42020) works by providing a buffer between the brake parts, reducing vibrations and promoting smoother operation. Fitted with only genuine Toyota parts, its compatibility with your vehicle is uncompromised. However, like all parts, it's subject to wear and tear over time. An aged or broken Brake Cushion (#44546-42020) could disrupt the braking system, causing uneven braking and potentially compromising your safety. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is necessary. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs all our products, including this Brake Cushion (#44546-42020). By maintaining the efficiency and safety of the braking system, its contribution to your vehicle's overall performance is profound.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 44546-42020

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